- Ceret dan kompor (kettel and stove)
- Dispenser air (water dispenser)
- Pemanas air dari listrik (electric kettle or heater)
2. Gelas (a mug)
3. Sendok teh (a tea spoon)
Setelah alat untuk membuat kopi kita siapkan saatnya kita menyiapkan bahan untuk membuat kopi hitam.
Bahan Untuk Membuat Kopi (Ingredients of Making a Coffee)
- Bubuk kopi (coffe powder )
- Gula (sugar)
- Air (water)
Cara Membuat Kopi Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Gambarnya
Making A Coffee- Boiling the water;
- by kettle and stove: Pour the water into the kettle. Put the kettle on the stove and boil it.
- by water dispenser: Turn on the dispenser with the water inside of the dispenser.
- by heater or electric kettle: pour the water into the heater or electric kettle and plug it into the electronic socket.
- Take 3-4 tea spoons of coffee powder and put it into the mug.
- Take 1/2-1 tea spoon of sugar and put it into the mug
- Take the hot water and pour it into the mug.
- Stir gently and the coffee is ready to drink.
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